RTI国际金属公司的约翰·H·奥得里最近在《美国金属市场报》上发表了长篇文章,全面论述和分析了最近几年来和今后一段时间中世界钛产品市场的发展趋势,预计其前景是比较光明的,相关的一些重要问题无疑是值得关注的。 美国人首先提出,世界钛工业已经进入21世纪的最初10年,
RTI International Metal Company John H. Oder recently published a long article in the American Metal Market newspaper to comprehensively discuss and analyze the development trend of the titanium product market in the world in recent years and in the future. The prospect is forecasted Is relatively bright, some important issues related undoubtedly deserve attention. Americans first proposed that the world titanium industry has entered the first decade of the 21st century,