美学作为一门学科的确定经历了一个漫长的发展过程。美学的一个重要主题是审美教育 ,它包括两个层次 :一是艺术教育 ,一是美学教育。对于大学生 ,艺术教育是让他们更好地掌握艺术的技能和知识 ,重在于建立学生与艺术本身的联系 ,重在于“技” ;美学教育是在艺术教育的基础上 ,深化和提升学生对艺术的理解和体验 ,重在于通过艺术建立学生与人生世界的联系 ,重在于“道”。
The determination of aesthetics as a subject has undergone a long process of development. Aesthetics is an important theme of aesthetic education, which includes two levels: First, art education, first, aesthetic education. For college students, art education is to give them a better grasp of the skills and knowledge of art. The emphasis is on establishing the connection between students and art itself, focusing on “technology.” Aesthetics education is based on art education to deepen and enhance students’ Understanding and experience, the emphasis is on art to establish the connection between students and the world of life, focusing on “Tao.”