一、管·法成小史考索管·法成(vgos chos grub)是公元九世纪间一位藏族翻译家,出身于吐蕃贵姓管氏家族。这一家族在吐蕃地方政权里有过一些声势煊赫的人物,如:赤都松芒保杰赞普(khri vdus srong mang bo rje,676—704)时的七大权臣之一,就是出自管氏家族,名叫管·雅琼(vgos gyag chung);《大臣遗教》所列吐蕃时期权贵名单中,管氏家族就占三人,他们是赤桑雅卜腊(khri bzang yab lhag)、杨贡喇嘛(yang gong bla ma)和拉卓(1ha gro),而且赤桑雅卜腊还被列入七大元老勋臣名单之中,可见其地位
First, the tube into a small history of exams Sau pipe, law (vgos chos grub) is a Tibetan translator during the ninth century AD, was born in Tibet Tubo your family. One of the seven powerful ministers who lived in the local government of Tubo province during the khri vdus srong mang bo rje (676-704) was the clan Family, named vgos gyag chung; “Minister Epigram” listed Tubo period of power list, the family of three members of the tube, they are kazri bzang yab lhag, Lama (yang gong bla ma) and Lao Zhuo (1ha gro), and Isan-ya Palabu has also been included in the list of seven veteran hunters, we can see its status