说起北京利生体育用品商店,恐怕无人不知。但说起原在国企利生体育用品商店干了10年总经理的尹凤意如今下海,成了一家私营企业老板的事,却着实让许多人大吃一惊。年届50的老尹,怎么会在功成名就之际选择了一条充满荆棘的路呢? 在京城的商业圈内,尹凤意绝对算得上是一个人物。早在1984年,刚刚从人民大学经济管理系毕业的老尹,毛遂自荐出任了大华百货商店的总经理,并以开办第一家工业用品自选市场而名噪京城。1987年,老尹来到利生体育用品商店任总经理,很快把这个商店的营业面积从3600平方米扩建到7000多平方米,几年后,又
Speaking of Beijing Lisheng sporting goods store, I am afraid no one I do not know. But when it comes to the now private-owned business, Yin Fung-yeh, the former general manager of SOE Lee Sang Sports Store, who has been on the top 10 for 10 years, actually surprised many people. 50 years of the old Yin, how will fame in the occasion of the selection of a road full of thorns in the business circle in the capital, Yin Feng Italy is definitely regarded as a figure. As early as 1984, Lao Yin, who just graduated from Renmin University of Economics and Management, volunteered himself as general manager of UOB department store and became famous in the capital for the opening of the first self-selected industrial products market. In 1987, Lao Yin came to Lisheng Sporting Goods Store as General Manager, and soon expanded the store’s business area from 3,600 square meters to over 7,000 square meters. A few years later,