储粮害虫的为害是影响粮食安全储存的突出问题。新建仓仓型高大、储存量大、粮堆高、储存周期长,常规熏蒸方法用药量多,劳动强度大,费用高,特别是存在熏蒸不彻底或熏蒸死角现象,已不适用于高大平房仓。目前普遍采用的PH3和CO2 混合环流熏蒸方法,也存在不少弊端。一方面熏蒸投药
The damage of stored grain pests is a prominent issue that affects the storage of food security. The new warehouse type tall, large storage, food stacks high, long storage cycle, conventional fumigation method dosage, labor intensity, high cost, especially the existence of fumigation is not thorough or fumigation dead angle phenomenon, is not suitable for tall warehouse . Currently widely used PH3 and CO2 mixed loop fumigation methods, there are still many drawbacks. Fumigation on the one hand