Application of spline wavelet transform in differential of electroanalytical signal

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yecaifa
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Investigating characteristics of spline wavelet, we found that if the two-order spline function, the derivative function of the three-order B spline function, is used as the wavelet base function, the spline wavelet transform has both the property of denoising and that of differential. As a result, the relation between the spline wavelet transform and the differential was studied in theory. Experimental results show that the spline wavelet transform can well be applied to the differential of the electroanalytical signal. Compared with other kinds of wavelet transform, the spline wavelet transform has a characteristic of differential. Compared with the digital differentia] and simulative differential with electronic circuit, the spline wavelet transform not only can carry out denoising and differential for a signal, but also has the advantages of simple operation and small quantity of calculation, because step length, RC constant and other kinds of parameters need not be selected. Compared with Alexander Investigating characteristics of spline wavelet, we found that if the two-order spline function, the derivative function of the three-order B spline function, is used as the wavelet base function, the spline wavelet transform has both the property of denoising and that of As a result, the relation between the spline wavelet transform and the differential was studied in theory. Experimental results show that the spline wavelet transform can well be applied to the differential of the electroanalytical signal. Compared with other kinds of wavelet transform, the Compared with the digital differentia] and simulative differential with electronic circuit, the spline wavelet transform not only can carry out denoising and differential for a signal, but also has advantages of simple operation and small quantity of calculation, because step length, RC constant and other kinds of parameters need not be selected. Compa red with Alexander
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