Evaluation of simulation-based training for aircraft carrier marshalling with learning cubic and Kir

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s334794681
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Simulation-based training is a promising way to train a carrier flight deck crew because of the complex and dangerous working environment. Quantitative evaluation of simulation-based training quality is vital to make simulation-based training practical for aircraft carrier marshalling.This paper develops a personal computer-based aircraft carrier marshalling simulation system and a cave automatic virtual environment(CAVE)-based immersive environment. In order to compare the training effectiveness of simulation-based training and paper-based training, a learning cubic model is proposed and a contrast experiment is carried out as well. The experimental data is analyzed based on a simplified Kirkpatrick’s model. The results show that simulation-based training is better than paper-based training by 26.80% after three rounds of testing, which prove the effectiveness of simulation-based aircraft carrier marshalling training. Simulation-based training is a promising way to train a carrier flight deck crew due of the complex and dangerous working environment. Quantitative evaluation of simulation-based training quality is vital to make simulation-based training practical for aircraft carrier marshalling. This paper develops a personal computer-based aircraft carrier marshalling simulation system and a cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) -based immersive environment. In order to compare the training effectiveness of simulation-based training and paper-based training, a learning cubic model is proposed and a contrast The results show that simulation-based training is better than paper-based training by 26.80% after three rounds of testing, which prove the effectiveness of simulation- based aircraft carrier marshalling training.
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