Travel in Beijing

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  今天,我拉着行李箱,迈着轻快的脚步,奔向列车,开始北京之旅。My mother is taking photos of me. I am so happy that we can record this wonderful travel. We arrive at Beijing in time. I can’t wait to start the traveling.
  这可不是一条普通的道路哦,它是北京城的“中轴线”。There are many attractions on this line, such as Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, the Bird’s Nest and so on. 这条“中轴线”,就像北京城的脊梁。
  我和妈妈来到什刹海。湖边风景如画,美不胜收。It’s cloudy today, but I still enjoy around the lake. My mother and I walk together. 风吹湖面,碧波荡漾;树木茂密,掩映天空;荷花盛开,别样红艳。
  去北京怎么能不去故宫呢?故宫就是古装剧里的紫禁城。There are more than 70 palaces and 9,000 rooms in the Forbidden City. 故宫是中国古代宫廷建筑之精华,我站在巍峨的故宫脚下,感叹它的宏伟壮丽。
  This wall of Prince Kung’ s Mansion is hollow. He Shen hid all his money and treasures inside the wall. Surprisingly, different shapes of the windows suggest different treasures in it.
  Next, we visit Temple of Heaven. 天坛公园是世界上现存最大,保存最完好的古代祭天建筑。明清两代皇帝均在此祭天。即使皇帝不能亲自祭拜,也要派遣大臣替他行礼。
  The old trees in Temple of Heaven live for 200 to 300 years. 這棵古树挺拔粗壮,形象奇特。我抱了抱这棵参天大树,瞧,它有的地方都被摸得光秃秃了。
  Then we are going to climb the Great Wall. In the bus, the guide tells us a lot of stories about the Great Wall.
  长城是中华民族的象征,在外太空都能看到长城的轮廓。We can’ t see the end of the Great Wall. It is just like a long Chinese dragon lying in the mountains. 不到长城非好汉,登上长城,我心里乐开了花。
  The shape of the Bird’s Nest looks like a cradle(摇篮). It symbolizes human hope for the future. The Water Cube is a rectangular building. It looks like a large piece of blue ice. 夜晚,灯光下的“鸟巢”和“水立方”美轮美奂,营造出一个梦幻般的美丽世界。
My father is a good father.  He is thirty-five years old.  He wears black glasses.  He knows engineering and computer.  When I do my homework in the evening,he always stays with me.  I love my father
母亲节到了,熊宝Linda和Max打算给熊妈妈一个惊喜,想要为妈妈做一顿美味的晚餐。为此,她们还找来了熊爸爸帮忙。熊妈妈会开心吗?Let’s read the story.  It is Mother’s Day.  But Mum is out today.  “Let’s give Mum a surprise,” says Linda.  “Great! But what to do?” a
Look at these birds on the zebra.  They are friends of zebras.  Small bugs live on zebras’ skin.  Birds ride on zebras to eat these bugs.  The birds get food.  And zebras get clean hair.
It’s your birthday today.  We all celebrate this day.  You are like a cock crowing.  You are like a great lion.  We sing and wish for you.  We feel so proud of you.
A little Betty Blue  Lost her holiday shoe,  What can little Betty do?  Give her another  to match the other,  And then she may walk out in two.  小贝蒂,  丢只鞋,  這个难题怎么解?  给只鞋,  配那只,  穿着鞋儿好上街。
绘本导读  孩子们,人生有很多转折点,有许多困难埋伏在路上等待着我们。即使爸爸妈妈再爱我们,也无法为我们安排好人生的一切。人总是要长大,要去自己面对那些挫折。所以,你一定需要:courage勇气!  ——要有勇气去战胜困难,去解决所有的难题,去笑着面对挑战。可是,什么才是真正的勇气?来读一本有趣的图画书吧,你能在里面找到答案。  大声地读出来吧!全书就像一首散文诗,语言优美、朗朗上口,画面鲜活、风
Materials: clay, clay making tools, glue, iron wire, can.  材料: 粘土,粘土制作工具,胶水,铁丝,罐子。  1. Make a bottom with green clay.  用绿色的粘土做一个底座。  2. Surround the can with grey clay, and trim away the excess clay. 
Flamingos are tall birds.  They have pink feathers(羽毛) and pink legs.  Flamingos walk through water to find food.  They eat shrimp(虾), insects, worms, and plants.  These birds live in huge groups.  Th