Visual Expression of Graphic Language in Poster Creative Design

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  1.Poster creative design for graphic appeal
  The graphics in the poster design are various,and each theme of the poster needs to be suitable for its own type of graphics to show,but in summary,the graphics in the poster are no more than four types,respectively photography graphics,painting graphics,abstract graphics and computer graphics four categories.However,from the development of modern posters,most of the time,these four types of integration,this form of expression can better show the theme,can achieve more eye-catching visual effects.
  Poster design must first highlight the theme,accurate and effective communication of goods or services,which is the most fundamental purpose of posters.Photographic graphics are the most intuitive and accurate display of goods or services.Using photography,viewers can feel the visual message conveyed by the poster.Photographic graphics are real,delicate and credible.Posters of automobiles,jewelry,clothing,luxury goods and other goods use the shape of the product itself as the poster image.Facts speak louder than words.
  Painting graphics refers to the use of all hand-painted means to create personalized graphics,computer applications are only used in the post-production and synthesis of posters.Painting graphics can display the information of goods or services artistically,which is more artistic and cultural.The beautiful and imaginative images created by painting graphics are beyond the direct display of photographic graphics.Painting graphics can make the visual effect perfect display,artistic communication information,make the viewer enjoy the beauty at the same time,consciously accept the information in the poster.Because of its unique style and unpredictability of drawing,hand-drawn graphics are very charming,which is called a means of expression advocated in modern design.
  Abstract graphics concise but not simple,general form is contracted,but content and rich symbolic,it is concise graphic gives the rich and profound content,because the abstract graphics concise directly visual communication elements to form a strong visual impact,in numerous posters environment is clearly visible,compelling,can cause people to pay attention to and be understood in a flash,make people accept information rapidly in a short time.Abstract graphics with simple form but profound meaning,because they leave a large amount of blank visual space and imagination space for the audience,arouse the viewer's emotional touch,let the viewer have a certain ideological activities and achieve the effect of deep communication.   In the information age,computers should have been popularized to millions of households,especially in the rapid development of digital media today,computers have become an indispensable tool for creativity,design and production of posters.Computer made a surreal means poster graphics,often be proper exaggeration of posters theme,or build a real life impossible effect,although these supernatural changes on the vision is impossible,but it can be dealt with through the computer,inner insight into the audience,to achieve the effect of advertising.
  2.Visualization of graphic language and creative thinking
  Poster design not only needs creativity,but also needs to attract the public's eyes with perfect visual expression,arouse the interest of watching,and then interpret the creativity,to truly achieve the purpose of deep communication.Therefore,it is an essential process for posters to use appropriate graphics to visualize good ideas concretely.The graphic design of poster design is closely related to creative thinking.Creative thinking finds out multiple creative points through the divergence and imagination of a concept and expresses them through graphic language.The creative process is the process of abstract conceptualization,which is also the process of creative thinking visualization.Graphic language is an artistic creative activity of visualization and a form of language composition based on image elements.Written language to make people in real life to the life long induction and extraction,and the natural world is varied,artificial or natural graphics always exists in the objective world,some of the graphic elements can be intuitive convey written language cannot complete description of the visual image,another part of the graphic elements are personified,breathed the spirit of the people,convey more symbolic visual information.When designers use graphic means to spread information,they should use these graphic elements to form visual language,and then achieve the purpose of language transmission through certain creative techniques and expressions.
  After the poster theme is conceived by creative thinking and imagination,these abstract concepts are implemented into specific graphic expression through the form of graphic language.The process from abstract concept to concrete expression is actually the process of creative thinking visualization,which is the process of the theme concept of poster from dispersion to reorganization.The purpose of a poster theme concept must be to convey some kind of information.After creative thinking and imagination,the information gets the creative concept,and then through these concepts,find the elements and graphics related to the theme concept,which is the process of decentralization.Because of different people's thinking,the visual expression of the same theme and concept is quite different,which is also the striking place of graphics language.
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