从演员到策划人黄福新有着传奇的经历。他曾是广西蒙山县文工团团长、县委宣传部新闻报道科科长,1993年因政府缩编下海,应聘到惠州某房地产公司做了一名售楼员。短短一年时间升到销售经理,接着又到营销副总,直至房地产公司总经理。1995年,他先后考取中国第一届房地产估价师和房地产经济师的技术资格,成为中国第一批拥有房地产专业资格人士。 1997年,黄福新成功入职广州大型国企远洋建设实业公司,
From the actor to the planner Huang Fuxin has a legendary experience. He was head of the art and industry group in Mengshan County, Guangxi, and head of the news report section of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee. In 1993, due to the government downsizing, he applied for a real estate salesman in Huizhou. Just a year rose to sales manager, then went to vice president of marketing, until the real estate company general manager. In 1995, he successively obtained the technical qualification of the first real estate appraiser and real estate economist in China and became one of the first batch of professionals with real estate qualification in China. In 1997, Huang Fuxin successfully entered the Guangzhou large state-owned COSCO Construction Industrial Company,