于1992~1994年 ,在中国水科院黄海水产研究所小麦岛试验基地(青岛)进行的“中日合作真鲷增殖放流项目”执行期间 ,对真鲷饵料生物———眼点拟微绿藻 (Nannochloropsisoculata)和L型褶皱臂尾轮虫 (Branchionus plicatilis)进行了大量培养。眼点拟微绿藻的平均接种密度为1211.3×104个/ml,经5~6d的室内或室外露天培养即可达到平均为2341.0×104 个/ml的收获密度 ;采用眼点拟微绿藻和新鲜面包酵母作为混合饵料 ;褶皱臂尾轮虫 (L型 )培养3~4d即可由接种时平均密度148.0个/ml,增长至平均216.8个/ml的采收密度。眼点拟微绿藻和轮虫的日间增殖密度分别是12.8 %和26.6 %。每生产108个褶皱臂尾轮虫需要消耗0.73m3眼点拟微绿藻 (密度为2000×104/ml)和790.8g 鲜面包酵母。采用此法 ,作者连续3a成功地为每年百万尾以上真鲷苗种提供了足够的生物饵料。总结3a苗种培育和生物饵料培养之间的关系 ,作者认为 ,大规模稳定生产海水鱼类苗种时,育苗与饵料生物培养 (褶皱臂尾轮虫和眼点拟微绿藻 )水体的合理比例应为1∶1~1.5∶3。
During 1992-1994, during the implementation of the “Project of Reproduction and Expansion of Sino-Japanese Cooperative Red Sea Bream” conducted at the Wheat Island Experimental Base (Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute) of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of China’s Hydrology Institute, Nannochloropsisoculata and Branchionus plicatilis were extensively cultured. The average inoculation density of Quercus mongolica was 1211.3 × 104 / ml, and the average harvest density was 2341.0 × 104 / ml after 5 ~ 6 days of indoor or outdoor open-air cultivation. And fresh baker’s yeast as mixed bait. After cultured for 3 ~ 4 days, the average density of the Brachionus plicata (L type) increased from 148.0 / ml at inoculation to an average of 216.8 / ml. In the eye, the daytime proliferative densities of the green algae and the rotifers were 12.8% and 26.6%, respectively. Each production of 108 Pleurotus obliquus consumes 0.73 m 3 of Eichhornia crassipes (with a density of 2000 × 10 4 / ml) and 790.8 g of fresh baker’s yeast. Using this method, the authors succeeded in providing enough biological bait for three million seedlings per year. Summarizing the relationship between seed breeding and biological feeding, the author believes that reasonable and reasonable water culture of seedling raising and bait bio-culture (Brachionus plicatilis and eye-point microalgae) can be achieved in large-scale and stable production of marine fish. The ratio should be 1: 1 ~ 1.5: 3.