Ischemic enterocolitis examined by colonoscopy and selective angiography

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longman1026
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AIM: To study the value of colonoscopy and selective angiography in diagnosing ischemic enterocolitis. METHODS: Among the 16 cases under study, 10 cases had hypertension and a history of coronary artery disease (one was hospitalized for sub-ventricular-wall infarction). The blood pressure of 10 of the 16 cases ranged from 13.9-23.8 to 13.3-14.6 kPa (170-180/100-110 mmHg). Two cases had chronic auricular fibrillation, and in four cases, a cardiogram showed left-front branch conduction block. Sixteen patients were examined by colonoscopy. Among them, 14 cases had a long course of angiocardiac disease, and were further examined by selective mesenteric inferior angiography. RESULTS: The colonoscopy revealed local mucous hyperemia edema and blood on contact. Lesions were found in the sigmoid colon in four cases, in the descending colon in eight cases and in splenic flexure in four cases, which suggests that the lesion always appeared in the left part of colon. There were different degrees of inflammatory cell infiltration, submucous bleeding, edema, fibro-embolism and hemosiderosis by biopsy in the 16 patients whose membranes affect part of the enteral wall. Of the 14 patients examined by mesenteric inferior angiography, 3 cases showed mesenteric amphraxis inferior and formation of collateral circulation. There were different degrees of stenosis in the other 11 subjects’ mesenteric inferior cavities which grew slim and their branches were stenotic, so the radiographic image was not complete and the ends of some branches even cannot be seen. CONCLUSION: The colonoscopy and the selective mesenteric inferior angiography are both helpful in the diagnosis of ischemic enterocolitis. AIM: To study the value of colonoscopy and selective angiography in diagnosed ischemic enterocolitis. METHODS: Among the 16 cases under study, 10 cases had hypertension and a history of coronary artery disease (one was hospitalized for sub-ventricular-wall infarction). Blood pressure of 10 of the 16 cases ranged from 13.9-23.8 to 13.3-14.6 kPa (170-180 / 100-110 mmHg). Two cases had chronic auricular fibrillation, and in four cases, a cardiogram showed left-front branch conduction block Sixteen patients were examined by colonoscopy. Among them, 14 cases had a long course of angiocardiac disease, and were further further examined by selective mesenteric inferior angiography. RESULTS: The colonoscopy revealed local mucous hyperemia edema and blood on contact. Lesions were found in the sigmoid colon in four cases, in the descending colon in eight cases and in splenic flexure in four cases, which suggests that the lesion always appeared in the left part of colon. There were different degrees o f inflammatory cell infiltration, submucous bleeding, edema, fibro-embolism and hemosiderosis by biopsy in the 16 patients whose membranes affect part of the enteral wall. Of the 14 patients examined by mesenteric inferior angiography, 3 cases showed mesenteric amphraxis inferior and formation of collateral There were different degrees of stenosis in the other 11 subjects’ mesenteric inferior cavities which grew slim and their branches were stenotic, so the radiographic image was not complete and the ends of some branches even can not be seen. CONCLUSION: The colonoscopy and the selective mesenteric inferior angiography are both helpful in the diagnosis of ischemic enterocolitis.
这天,咪咪在一枝嫩树枝上休息。突然,感觉到脚上一阵刺痛,它低头一看,竟然是两只小蚂蚁正举着长矛威风凛(lǐn)凛地对着它:“快走开,不许靠近我们的牧场!”  咪咪好奇地看着,这里树枝的两端有两个小土坝,土坝的出口处各有两队蚂蚁士兵在严防死守着。而被土坝围住的地方竟然圈着许许多多白白胖胖的蚜虫。  “别误会,我只是过来歇歇脚,可是,我从来没有听说过你们蚂蚁竟然还有牧场啊!”咪咪对蚂蚁士兵说道。看到眼
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