
来源 :当代外语研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muyiwenwu
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在典籍外译的过程中,语内翻译者对源语文本的解读将直接影响语际翻译者对具体语言形式文化内涵的理解和翻译。典籍的语际翻译者如何理解、如何取舍语内翻译者的相关解读和诠释,这是一个非常值得关注的问题。本文通过分析《论语·子罕篇第九》中的“子罕言利与命与仁”的翻译说明典籍外译过程中,译者是怎样理解和取舍原文语内翻译者的观点和注释,并在此基础上选择合适的语言形式体现原文的意义内涵,以达到合理翻译典籍和传播经典的。本文强调,对原文注释的理解与取舍是对外译者学识和个人综合素质的考验,更是典籍外译的一个重要过程。 In the process of translation of classical Chinese books, the translator’s interpretation of the source text will have a direct influence on the translator’s understanding and translation of the specific language’s cultural connotation. How do interlingual translators of classics understand how to choose the relevant interpreter and interpretation of translators? This is a question of great concern. In this paper, we analyze the translator’s interpretation of translations of “sub-racial profundity, life and benevolence” in the Analects of Confucius, the ninth chapter of the Analects of Confucius, Comments, and on this basis, select the appropriate language form reflects the meaning of the original text, in order to achieve a reasonable translation of books and the spread of the classic. This article emphasizes that the comprehension and choice of the original annotation is a test of the knowledge of foreign translators and the overall quality of individuals, and is an important process of translating books and foreign languages.
本文从诗学、译学角度研究《神州集》 ,以庞德意象诗学及“语势”译学观作理论支撑 ,初步探讨《神州集》译学观及其译学意义。通过研究得出以下主要结论 :庞德意象诗学及“语
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