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达州市委市政府、通川区委区政府各位领导,各位学者,各位嘉宾,同志们,朋友们:我很高兴有机会来参加“中国达州·巴文化研讨会”。我自己没有研究过巴文化,我是抱着当小学生学习的心情,抱着渴望了解巴文化发源历史的愿望来参加这次巴文化研讨会的。刚才各位专家分别就巴人的历史和文化、巴人的历史文化与核心价值以及巴文化的传承与现实生活的照映等很多方面都发表了很好的意见,尤其是我的老朋友谭继和、祁和晖夫妇,他们是巴蜀文化的真正专家,我从他 Leaders, scholars, distinguished guests, comrades and friends of Dazhou Municipal Party Committee and Government, Tongchuan District Committee and Government: I am very pleased to have the opportunity to attend the “China Dazhou · Pakistan Cultural Seminar”. I have not studied Pakistani culture, I was holding the mood of learning as a pupil, holding desire to understand the origins of Pakistani culture to participate in this Pakistani culture seminar. Just now, all the experts made good comments on the history and culture of the Palestinian people, the historical culture and core values ​​of the Pakistani people, the inheritance of the Ba-cultural culture and the rehearsal of the real life. In particular, my old friend Tan Ji And, Qi and Hui couples, they are really experts in Bashu culture, I am from him
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今年的国庆节,“嫦娥二号”腾空而起,直飞月球。浩瀚的太空中又多了一颗新星。“嫦娥二号”比“嫦娥一号”离月球更近,而中国人的探月梦想也离现实更近了一步。 This year’
我国载人空间站工程已启动实施。中国航天科技集团公司在载人空间站工程中承担着空间实验室、飞船、运载火箭等研制重任,目前相关产品研制工作进展顺利。我国载人空间站 Chi
(本刊讯)全球范围内的金融风暴袭来,国内市场所受影响日益显现。近年来,突飞猛进的国内安防行业同样面临着巨大的挑战。 (Ben Kanxun) The global financial crisis hit, th
可以这样说:凡是上世纪七十年代读初、高中生都知道,在学校读书期间经常参加学工学农学军(简称学习工农兵)活动,我这里只是讲述学农时发生的三个故事。  钓鱼  四川省凉山彝族自治州昭觉县初级中学的校办农场位于县城北五公里处的一个山旯旮里。记得秋末初冬的日子里,全班同学下农场,时序是秋末,农场里果树上的苹果和梨子已采摘完毕,金黄色的果叶已飘落散尽,只剩下光秃秃的树枝桠条在秋风中轻轻摇摆,天气已是一天比一
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