
来源 :江西棉花科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flowerofwind
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棉花叶螨俗称棉红蜘蛛。它是我省棉区的重要害虫之一。棉花叶螨的食性很杂,为害棉花等多种作物,查明寄主植物,对开展棉田外及间作作物上棉花叶螨的防治可提供科学依据;棉田附近的棉花叶螨的寄主杂草,与棉花叶螨在棉田的数量消长,有很密切的关系,查明其寄主杂草种类,并消灭其杂草寄主,是防治棉叶螨的一项重要措施。1976—1980年,我们对棉花叶螨的寄主种类进行了比较广泛的调查和接种观察,初步查明棉花叶螨在我地的寄主植物共有70种,分属31科。其中野生杂草25种,分属于 Cotton spider mites commonly known as cotton spider mites. It is one of the important pests in the cotton area of ​​our province. Cotton spider mite feeding is very complicated, damage to cotton and other crops, to identify host plants, to carry out cotton fields and intercropping cotton spider mite control may provide a scientific basis; cotton spider mites near the host weeds, and Cotton spider mite in cotton growth and decline, there is a close relationship to identify its host weed species, and eliminate its weed host, is an important measure to control spider mite. From 1976 to 1980, we surveyed and inoculated host species of cotton spider mites, and initially identified 70 species of host plants of cotton spider mites in our country, belonging to 31 families. One of 25 kinds of wild weeds, belonging to
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The Baishou dance (literally “hand-waving dance”) is a traditional group dance of the people, one of 55 ethnic minorities in China. The Tujias live mainly in
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