盘点2004年基础教育的热点新闻和焦点新闻,是一件颇为困难的事,但也是一件颇有意义的事。思来想去,我认为《热点透视》栏目选择2004年基教热闻的标准应该是突出新闻性、问题性,其突破口应从小处入手,所以我舍弃了许多宏观性的事件,又限于篇幅,对许多热闻只能忍痛割爱,只选择了36条。为了使热闻更具借鉴意义,我加了“点评”或“相关链接”。盘点之初衷,是给全国的小学校长一个参考,一个反思、警醒、借鉴的空间。如果您能从中得到些许启示,那是本刊最大的欣慰。由于新闻太多,梳理起来颇费精力,难免挂一漏万,又有可能一叶障目,不当之处,敬请校长们原谅。身为校长,您可以把意见反馈回来,我的邮箱是:[email protected]。
Checking out the hot news and focus news of basic education in 2004 is a very difficult thing, but it is also a very significant thing. After thinking about it, I think that the criteria for choosing the “Keep It Hot” section in 2004 for the “Geewar Forum” should be to highlight news and problems, and its breakthrough should be started from a small place. Therefore, I abandoned many macroscopic events and was limited by space. For many hot news, only the pain was cut and only 36 were chosen. In order to make hot news more meaningful, I added “reviews” or “related links.” The original intention of the inventory was to give the primary school headmaster in the country a reference, a space for reflection, alertness and reference. If you can get some inspiration from it, it is the greatest relief of this publication. Because of too many news, it takes a lot of energy to sort it out, and it is inevitable that you will miss a million people. You may also be blindfolded and improper. Please excuse the principals for forgiveness. As the principal, you can send back your comments. My email address is: [email protected].