忘了是哪次座谈哪位专家曾经感慨地讲过这样一句话:谁能解决好社会保障问题,谁就能当总统。 这话,当时一听也就过去了,现在想起来,感觉这里面还是有些味道。 自70年代中期以后,西方的社会保障逐渐陷入了步履维艰进退两难的困境之中。难以为继却又不能轻举妄动的社会福利政策正在向西方各国政府提出严峻的挑战。在这个过程中,里根总统和撒切尔夫人被认为是搞“缺少人情味的市场经济”,而发生信任危机。朱佩总理因要对此做大手术而使社会承受了全国铁路瘫痪和工人罢工的震荡,克林顿总统因此项经费预算而使政府两度陷于半瘫
Forgotten which forum which experts once sighed with emotion such a sentence: Who can solve the social security issues, who can become the president. These words, then a hearing passed, now think of it, I feel there is still some flavor. Since the mid-1970s, the social security in the West has been gradually caught up in the difficult dilemma. Social welfare policies that are unsustainable but can not be taken lightly are now posing serious challenges to Western governments. In the process, President Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were seen as engaging in “a lack of a humane market economy,” with a crisis of confidence. As a result of major surgery, Premier Zhu Pei took the society to a standstill by the paralysis of the national railway and workers’ strike. President Clinton suffered from a semi-paralyzed state of government for twice on budget