如果说家庭是构成社会这个庞大肌体的细胞,那么住宅将是细胞赖以存在的载体,是组成城市和乡村的最基本要素。衣食住行是人类生存的基本条件。而作为人类社会活动重要内容的住宅建造,不仅受到自然地域、经济水平以及科学技术等物质因素的制约,同时也受到社会政治、文化观念乃至习俗的深刻影响。 建国以来,在计划经济条件下广东省也如全国其它地区一样兴建了大量的“公屋”,用以解决
If the family is the cell that constitutes the vast body of society, then the dwelling will be the carrier of the cell’s existence and the most basic element in the composition of the city and the country. Basic necessities of life is the basic conditions for human survival. Residential construction, as an important part of human social activities, is not only restricted by natural regions, economic levels, science and technology, but also deeply influenced by socio-political and cultural conceptions and even customs. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Guangdong Province has also constructed a large number of “public housing estates” under the conditions of a planned economy as the rest of the country to resolve