德国盛产啤酒,有“啤酒王国”之称。如果问德国究竟有多少种啤酒?德国人自己也不清楚到底有多少。据德国食品专业杂志介绍,德国现有啤酒厂大约在1300家左右,生产各类啤洒共约5000种品牌,其中最受德国人喜爱的一种名为Pils,其市场占有率在东、西两区分别高达76%和60%。 酿造啤酒一般总少不了4种基本原料:麦芽、啤酒花、纯净水与酵母,其中啤酒花在造酒过程中不仅扮演香料角色,同时也能确保啤酒持久不坏及稳定发泡;酵母的作用
Germany is rich in beer and is called the “brewery kingdom.” If you ask how many kinds of beer in Germany? Germans do not know exactly how much. According to the German Food Specialized Magazine, there are about 1,300 German breweries, producing about 5,000 brands of various types of beer. One of the most popular among the Germans is Pils, whose market share is in the east and west. The two districts were as high as 76% and 60% respectively. The brewing of beer is generally limited to four basic ingredients: malt, hops, pure water, and yeast. Among them, hops not only play a role in the process of making wine, but also ensure that the beer is not bad and stable foaming; the role of yeast