In this paper, based on the OT (OT) syntax framework, VP is a double-layer compound structure, NP is born outside of VP, the dummy word there is directly read from the thesaurus, the NP in the existing sentence is the focal point On the basis of the constraints of ALIGN-PRES-FOCUS, CASEnom, OB-SPEC and FULL-INT and their rankings, the prepositional analysis of English Existential Sentences is carried out. The NP in the existential sentence is born in the VP of external argument, so as to obtain the main form, but the focus of the constraints on the syntax ALIGN-PRES-FOCUS inhibited the post-VP NP to enhance, so that the lattice can not be marked, Violation of CASEnom. In order for the sentence to satisfy OB-SPEC, the speaker can read the virtual word there directly from the thesaurus, or raise the position phrase LP to fill in the IP’s tagline position.