在寒冬季节,日短夜长,光照不足,雪多风劲,万物蛰伏,一片萧瑟凄凉。 难晒到太阳,光照不足,可令人精神压抑,忧闷不舒,专家称之为季节性忧郁症,多见于冬季及早春晚秋一段时间。 人类和其他生物一样,在数百万年的生存进化过程中,与阳光形成了极为密切的生存依赖关系。人体需要从阳光中获得红外线部分的热量,从阳光的可见光部分获得视物的刺激及精神情绪的调节,从阳光的紫外线部分获得制
In the winter season, short days and nights, inadequate lighting, snow and more wind, everything dormant, bleak bleak. Difficult to bask in the sun, lack of light, can make people depressed, depressed uncomfortable, experts call it seasonal depression, more common in early spring and early autumn in winter a period of time. Humans, like other creatures, form extremely close subsistence dependencies with the sun during millions of years of survival and evolution. The human body needs to obtain the infrared part of the heat from the sun, from the visible part of the sun to obtain visual stimuli and emotional conditioning, from the sun’s ultraviolet part of the system