
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cclongman
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1997年3月5日晚到3月6日凌晨,吉林省长春市刑侦民警在市、区两级刑侦部门领导的精心指挥下,在各有关部门的大力配合下,快速动作,对一伙流氓恶势力展开了一场漂亮的围歼战,一举破获了3月5日二道区发生的流氓团伙持枪报复杀人致一死一伤的严重暴力犯罪案件,除1名重大犯罪嫌疑人自毙外,其余4人均被擒获归案,为长春人民除去了一大祸患。3月5日20时许,二道分局刑警大队接到市局“110”报警服务台通报案情:二道区东站加油站附近发生一起流氓团伙枪击案件,有两人被枪击致伤。接到报案后,刑警大队徐刚大队长在及时部署上报案情的同时,立即组织警力赶往案发现场,全力开展侦查工作。赶到现场后,首先组织法医对两名遭受枪击的受害人受伤情况简单检查处置。经检查发现受害人鲍长有(男,34岁,长春市石棉厂工人,暂住东站管内11委141组,个体服装店老板)胸部、腿部各中1枪,另一受害人孙学伟(男,39岁,市运输公司司机,住东站管内11委141组)腹部中1枪。法医初步检查处置后迅速组织将2人送往医院抢救。其中孙学伟于当晚抢救无效死亡。侦查员迅速走访调查被害人家属及现场群众,很快查清了此案发生的前后经过。被害人鲍长有的儿子记下了持枪行凶这伙人所乘的米黄色 From the evening of March 5 to early March 6, the criminal investigation police of Changchun City, Jilin Province, acted quickly under the vigorous coordination of the leaders of the criminal investigation departments at the municipal and district levels and with the vigorous cooperation of various departments concerned, The evil forces launched a beautiful siege war and cracked down on serious violent crimes involving the revengeful murderous murderous murderers who committed rogue gangs in Erdaogu District on March 5 and killed and wounded them in one incident. Except for one major criminal suspect who died on his own, The remaining 4 people were captured and brought to justice, removing a great disaster to the Changchun people. March 5 20 am, two branch Interpol Brigade received the Municipal Bureau “110 ” alarm desk informed the case: Two Road East Station near the gas station with a rogue gang shootings, two were shot dead . After receiving the report, Interpol brigade Xu Gang captain deployed timely reporting of the case at the same time, immediately organized police rushed to the scene of the incident, to carry out investigation. After arriving at the scene, the forensic doctor was first organized to conduct a simple inspection and treatment on the injuries of two victims who were shot at. The inspection found that the victim Bao Changyou (male, 34 years old, asbestos factory workers in Changchun City, temporary station East 11 tube 141 group, the individual clothing store owner) chest, leg in each shot, the other victim Sun Xuewei Male, 39 years old, the city transport company driver, 11 East Station East Station tube group 141) 1 gun in the abdomen. Forensic examination after the initial rapid disposal of tissue sent to hospital for rescue. Which Sun Xuewei died in the evening rescue invalid. Investigators promptly visited the families of victims and the scene of the masses, quickly found out before and after the case took place. The son of the victim, Bao Changyou, noted the beige color of the gang that was carrying the gun
问:听人说,上学的孩子整理错题集很有好处。请问,错题集到底有什么用,又该如何整理?杨蓉答:整理错题集的目的,是对做错的题进行分析,找出原因并吸取教 Q: Listen to people
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焦虑是一种重要的内在情绪资源,因为有它,才能调动一切潜能去迎接考试;因为有它,才有可能出现思维特别活跃、反应特别敏捷的良好竞技状 Anxiety is an important source of