The Carboniferous-Permian cyclonic layer is a sequence of marine-transcendental sedimentary cycles caused by the alternation of glacial and interglacial periods of the Late Paleozoic Gondwan Glacier, appearing in many parts of the world, especially in the northern hemisphere. According to the characteristics of rock microfacies and sedimentary structure, the Carboniferous and State formations in Fenghuangshan, Chaohu, Anhui Province, five seaward-receding sedimentary sequences can be identified. According to the distribution characteristics of foraminifera in Hezhou Formation, it can be divided from bottom to top Five foraminiferal belts, to determine the geological age from the late Vishnu to early Bashkir period. These 5 sea-ocean regression sedimentary cycles are basically in line with the major sea-retreat in the contemporaries in other areas of South China and Europe and the United States.