Advances in Nitrogen Loss Leached by Precipitation from Plant Canopy

来源 :中国农业科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangjunshisb
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Function of canopy in changing nutrient cycle and flux is one of the focuses in recent years. On the basis of comprehensively appraising published research, we analyzed the nitrogen loss leaching from plant canopy and several factors which affected it. We pointed out the disadvantages of the published researches and the key issues that ought to be solved: (1) The menstruation need to be advanced, and the research should be carried out on nitrogen loss leaching from the canopy of the field plant. (2) If the nitrogen is leached from the plant canopy, the research on the type of nitrogen loss should be carried out, and the nitrogen use efficiency of different varieties should be dealt on a research perspective with regard to the nitrogen leaching. (3) The research should be conducted on the mechanism and pathway, and the progress of nitrogen leaching; and the factors affecting nitrogen leaching should be included in the research, such as the leaf area of different growth stages, stomata densities, stomata conductance, and the apparent free space, which are beneficial to explain the mechanism of nitrogen leaching from the plant canopy.
目的 分析同时做需氧与厌氧配对培养在提高血培养阳性率中的意义.方法 使用BacT/ALERT3D血培养仪,和VITEK2自动细菌鉴定仪对2012年11月至——2013年7月血液临床标本需氧和厌
目的 探讨如何通过调整X线的体位照射来提升对患者肋骨骨折、骨骺分离及关节脱位的诊断率.方法 采取回顾性分析的方法,对我院2010年6月——2013年6月接受肋骨骨折、骨骺分离
信息技术的应用为地图教学增添了新的形式,它使地图变得更生动,活跃了地理课堂教学,有利于提高学生的地图分析能力。 The application of information technology has added