In South China, various megascopic symmetrical metazoan fossils were found in the upper Doushantuo (陡山沱) Formation of the Neoproterozoic Ediacaran. The worm-like fossil is characterized by modern taxological annelid, for many metameres, parapodia, one possible tentale, an alimentary canal, and a dorsal vessel. The triradiate discoidal fossils belong to Trilobozoa, and the octaradiate discoidal fossil might be Ctenophora. All these fossils indicate that the megascopic metazoans have appeared in the Doushantuoian of Eidacaran and imply that the symmetrical metazoans must have originated at least 550 Ma ago.
In South China, various megascopic symmetrical metazoan fossils were found in the upper Doushantuo Formation of the Neoproterozoic Ediacaran. The worm-like fossil is characterized by modern taxological annelid, for many metameres, parapodia, one possible tentale, an alimentary canal, and a dorsal vessel. The triradiate discoidal fossils belong to Trilobozoa, and the octaradiate discoidal fossil might be Ctenophora. All these fossils indicate that the megascopic metazoans have appeared in the Doushantuoian of Eidacaran and imply that the symmetrical metazoans must have originated at least 550 Ma ago.