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在2005年12月份召开的全国老干部局长会议上,把进一步加强离退休干部党支部建设,作为2006年度老干部工作的重要内容之一进行了安排部署。会议特别强调,要本着有利于加强教育管理,有利于参加组织活动和发挥作用的原则,完善离退休干部党支部的组织设置,保证离退休干部党员组织有归属,活动有人管。但据悉,有些单位,尤其是一些企业破产、改制单位的离退休干部、职工党员的组织生活,由于各种原因,一直处于瘫痪状态。这些老同志跟党大半生,受党教育几十年,组织生活成了他们生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。保证他们的组织有归属,活动有人管,也是和谐社会的一种需要。离退休干部职工党员的组织生活进社区,并不是他们组织生活的惟一方式。本期的特别策划,旨在引起社会有关方面对此问题的高度重视,以期探求解决离退休干部职工党员组织生活问题的更加有效途径。 In December 2005 held a meeting of veteran cadres at the meeting, to further strengthen the retired cadres party building, as an important part of the work of veteran cadres in 2006 one of the arrangements for the deployment. In particular, the conference stressed the need to improve the organizational structure of the retired cadres ’party branches in line with the principles conducive to strengthening education administration, participating in organizational activities and giving play to their role, and guaranteeing the ownership of retired cadres’ party organizations and the activities under their control. However, it is learned that the organizational life of some units, especially those retired and bankruptcy and restructuring units, has been paralyzed for various reasons. These old comrades spent most of their lives with the party and for decades under the party’s education, organizing life has become an indispensable part of their lives. It is also a need of a harmonious society to ensure that their organizations have ownership and activities are under control. The organizational life of retired cadres and workers and party members is not the only way for them to organize their lives. The special planning for this issue aims to arouse the attention of the relevant social parties to this issue and seek a more effective way to solve the organizational problems of the retired cadres and workers.
乳酸菌(LacticAcidBacteria,LAB)是公认安全(Generally Recognized as Safe,GRAS)的微生物,应用于多种发酵食品。LAB分泌的胞外多糖(Exopolysaccharide,EPS)具有独特的生理生化性质,如流
薏苡仁(Coix lachryma-jobi[L] var.frumentacea Makino)是禾本科植物薏苡的干燥成熟种仁,是福建省特有的经济作物之一。本文以薏苡仁为原料,研究了薏苡仁低聚糖提取的最佳工艺条件和初步纯化条件,研究了薏苡仁低聚糖的体外抗氧化活性和对双歧杆菌的体外增殖作用。在此基础上,利用中压制备色谱对水提法制备并纯化后的薏苡仁低聚糖(P-CSO)进行分离,对P-CSO进行组分分