博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之。笃行之。 --朱熹关于读书,汉代学者刘向有言:“书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。”诚为至理。但说的不够通透。书药如何医愚?我以为。一为书问。即读书首先能够引人思索,使人脑瓜子里多了些“为什么”。一为书答。即读书又能使人对诸多“为什么”醍醐灌顶。豁然开朗。 近日读两了本书。经历了时而书问、疑云密布,时而书答、昭然若揭的过程。十分有趣。第一
Erudition, interrogation, careful thinking, discerning. Benedict of the line. - Zhu Xi on reading, Han Dynasty scholar Liu Xiang said: “The book is still drug, good reading can be foolish. ” Sincerity is truth. But not enough transparency. How to cure stupid medicine? I thought. One for the book. That is, reading first of all to bring people thinking, make people more seeds “why ”. A book for the answer. That is, reading can make a lot of people “why ” sobering. suddenly see the light. Recently read two books. Experienced from time to time asked the book, the clouds are cloudy, sometimes the book answers, the process of being exposed. very interesting. the first