
来源 :病毒学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIUSHENGWU5
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Human recombinant interferon α2b can inhibit replication of many viruses and it is an important prophylactic drug for virus infection. In this study, interferon α2b was used to study the biological function on measles virus and rubella virus replication in human. For each virus, selected population was divided into two groups, including with and without interferon α2b treatment, then the attenuated viral vaccine was used to inoculate each group and the respiratory samples were collected at fixed intervals. A highly sensitive and accurate Real-time PCR method was used to detect the virus copy number in samples. The results showed that the virus copy number was much lower after interferon treatment and suggested that interferon α2b could inhibit the measles virus and rubella virus replication in human. Human recombinant interferon α2b can inhibit replication of many viruses and it is an important prophylactic drug for virus infection. In this study, interferon α2b was used to study the biological function on measles virus and rubella virus replication in human. For each virus, selected population was divided into two groups, including with and without interferon α2b treatment, then the attenuated viral vaccine was used to inoculate each group and the respiratory samples were collected at fixed intervals. A highly sensitive and accurate Real-time PCR method was used to detect the virus copy number in samples. The results showed that the virus copy number was much lower after interferon treatment and suggested that interferon α2b could inhibit the measles virus and rubella virus replication in human.
<正> 长城是古代的伟大建筑工程,是古代劳动人民智慧的结晶。它是中国、也是全世界体积最大的古代建筑。长城为中国所独有,故中国被称作长城之国。于是,长城也成为中国的象征
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