Chinese place names are spelled using Hanyu pinyin, which is a national legal standard and an international standard. The spelling of names such as names, street names and other proper names in Chinese phonetic alphabet or the use of pinyin and the translation of Chinese characters have given rise to disagreement on the part of both the society and the translators, resulting in confusion in understanding and practicing place names translation. Therefore, it can only be enforced by laws and regulations. The article firstly put forward the understanding of the essential meaning of the romanization of the United Nations list of places, and put forward that the Romanization of place names and the translation of geographical names belong to the concepts of two different categories, and give them different legal status and role. Theoretically and logically On the elimination of the intersection of the two, chaos, romanization of geographical names justified, so that freedom of place names translation. The article also gives a more normative translation principle to the English translation of Chinese place names.