在白晋神父应康熙皇帝的要求,于1698年乘坐安菲特立特号航船带领前往中国的传教士当中,巴多明(Domiynique Parrenin,1665——1741)肯定应属最杰出者之列。 巴多明神父从一开始就承担双重职务:一方面是向中国传播西方科学以更好地帮助布道,另一方面则是作为“法国国王的数学家”而向欧洲通报他陆续了解到的中国文明知识。他在这两个领域中都获得了巨大成功,以至于他在近40年间于北京宫廷中享有很高的威望。
At the request of Emperor Kangxi at the request of Emperor Kangxi, Domiynique Parrenin (1665-1741), who took the lead to China in the Aphrodite pilot in 1698, was certainly among the best. From the very beginning, Father Badoing assumed dual positions: on the one hand, disseminating Western science to China to better serve the evangelicals; on the other, he informed Europe of what he learned one after another as “the mathematician of the French kings.” Civilization knowledge. He was enormously successful in both areas, so much so that he enjoyed a high prestige in the Beijing court in nearly 40 years.