勇担使命,铸造光荣 坚定不移推进核电国产化之路——中核集团核电秦山联营有限公司2007年发展之路

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2007年12月26日,备受瞩目的中国工业大奖表彰大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行,国务院副总理曾培炎出席会议并发表重要讲话。全国政协副主席、中国工程院院长、中国工业经济联合会会长徐匡迪出席会议并宣读表彰决定,中国核工业集团公司秦山核电二期工程项目因为坚持自主创新,为推动和促进我国核电国产化事业发展作出重大贡献而荣膺中国工业大奖表彰奖。两天之后的12月28日,美丽的杭州湾畔,中核集团秦山核电二期扩建工程3号机组反应堆厂房穹顶吊装仪式在这里隆重举行。随着中共中央委员,中国核工业集团公司党组书记、总经理康日新宣布穹顶吊装开始,173吨重的庞然大物--反应堆厂房穹顶整体缓缓升起,27分钟后,穹顶起吊近60米后,稳稳地安放到了预定位置,这标志着3号机组建设土建施工阶段结束,转入全面安装阶段。 On December 26, 2007, the highly commended China Industrial Awards Recognition Conference was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Xu Kuangdi, vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, dean of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and chairman of the China Federation of Industrial Economics, attended the meeting and read and commended the decision. Qinshan Nuclear Power Phase II Project of China National Nuclear Corporation promoted and promoted the domesticization of nuclear power in China by insisting on independent innovation. The development has made significant contributions and has won the China Industry Awards Recognition Award. On December 28, two days later, on the banks of the beautiful Hangzhou Bay, the hoisting ceremony for the dome of the No. 3 unit reactor building of CNNC Qinshan Nuclear Power Phase II Expansion Project was held here. With the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Party Secretary and General Manager Kang Rixin of CNNC declaring the beginning of the lifting of the dome, the overall height of the 173-tonne giant-reactor plant dome slowly rises. After 27 minutes, the dome is lifted nearly 60 meters and stabilized. Stably placed in a predetermined position, this marks the end of the construction phase of the construction of Unit 3, and it will be transferred to the full-scale installation phase.
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如果静静地聆听红都讲述它的故事,你会不经意地体会到那四溢流淌的语言竟都变成一串奇妙而美好的情感,因为时光追溯着红都历史时,你会发现它历经了从辛亥革命时期至今已有百年的发展积淀,特别是2006年后,在持续向好的企业发展势头下,红都品牌已经成为了中国服装行业中璀璨的那颗启明星。为探究红都发展的故事,本刊记者专访了红都集团公司总经理张培。  红都的故事  张总非常健谈,刚一落座,就滔滔不绝向我讲述了红都
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