为了进一步了解我校学生本年度的营养状况 ,指导学生增加营养、平衡膳食 ,我们就本学年度学生营养状况进行统计分析 ,现报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 我校 2 0 0 0学年度在校的初一~初三、高一~高三六个年级的全校男女中学生。1.2 方法 由广州市中小学保健中心组织体
In order to further understand the nutritional status of our students this year and to guide students to increase nutrition and balance the diet, we conducted a statistical analysis on the nutritional status of our students for the current academic year. The report is as follows. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Object Our school the first year of school year 0 ~ 0 third year, high school to high school 36 grade boys and girls of secondary school. 1.2 Methods by the primary and secondary health centers in Guangzhou body