各位领导、各位来宾、各位代表,同志们、朋友们: 中国安全防范产品行业协会自1992年12月8日成立至今已经四年了。今天,大家从四面八方汇集北京,共商行协大计,这是一次难得的机会。尤其全党全国正在贯彻发展国民经济“九五”计划和跨世纪发展纲要,为我们提供了十分良好的大环境,无疑这对开好此次会议是极为有利的。现在,我代表行协第一届理事会做工作报告,请大家审议。
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished delegates, comrades and friends, China Security Association has been in business for four years since its establishment on December 8, 1992. Today, everyone from all directions gathered in Beijing, a total of business associations, this is a rare opportunity. In particular, the entire party and the whole country are implementing the Outline of the Ninth Five-Year Plan for the National Economy and the Plan for Trans-century Development and have provided us with a very good general environment. This is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to the good start of this meeting. Now, on behalf of the Association for the first time I work on the report of the Council for your consideration.