英国矿物工业研究协会 (MIRO)正与 CRE(最近才实行了私有化的煤炭研究院 )和伯明翰大学合作 ,起草一份拟呈交给欧洲委员会的项目研究书。该项目旨在开发一套用于研究微波在选矿中应用的工业试验装置。合作者们希望能吸引其它潜在合作伙伴的参与 ,为该项目获取 1 50万欧元的资金
MIRO is working with CRE, a recently announced privatization coal institute, and the University of Birmingham to draft a project study to be submitted to the European Commission. The project aims to develop a set of industrial test equipment for studying the application of microwaves in mineral processing. The partners hope to attract the participation of other potential partners to secure € 1.5 million for the project