电能是矿山生产的主要能源,如何合理使用电能,降低单 位产品电耗和生产成本,增加企业效益,是摆在现代矿 山企业面前的一个重要问题,要解决这个问题,就必须抓好主要耗电设备节电工作。通过加强管理,推广应用新技术,对设备进行更新改造,提高电能利用率,达到降耗增效。1 主要耗电设备耗能概况井下矿山的主要用电设备有排水泵、压风机、提升机、运
Electricity is the main source of energy in mines. How to use electric energy reasonably, reduce power consumption and production cost per unit of product and increase the efficiency of enterprises is an important issue facing modern mining enterprises. To solve this problem, we must pay attention to the main power consumption Equipment saving work. Through strengthening management, popularizing and applying new technologies, the equipment is updated and improved, the utilization ratio of electric energy is increased, and the energy consumption and efficiency are achieved. 1 The main power equipment consumption Overview mine underground power equipment drainage pump, air compressor, hoist, transport