Study on the Needs Analysis of Non—English Majors for English Learning

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  【Abstract】Needs analysis is an important link in the process of course designs,and it is the important basis for teachers to organize teaching and evaluate teaching results.Based on the theory of needs analysis,taking questionnaire method,choosing 100 non-English majors of Dongchang College of Liaocheng University as research objects,the thesis investigates the current situation of English learning and teaching.
  【Key words】needs analysis; non-English majors
  1.Research Background
  College English as a public course,mainly focuses on the comprehensive master of language knowledge and the training of basic language skills in reading,writing,listening and speaking.Besides,college English takes the form of credit system and closed-book examination to investigate students’ English learning situation.Advanced English teaching equipment,completed teaching facilities,high-speed broadband network,multi-media classroom,advanced audio-visual language labs have been set in Dongchang College of Liaocheng University,computer network laboratories,libraries,meeting room,students.activity center and so on,create a good learning environment for all students.At the same time,non-English majors’ enthusiasm of learning English is not high,most students just to deal with all kinds of examinations and choose the way to learn English.
  2.Data and Results Analysis
  2.1 Students. Motivations for College English Learning.Question One is designed to investigate students.attitudes towards English learning.Results show that most non-English majors think English learning is indispensable,74 students think that it is necessary or very necessary to learning English.Only 9 students claim that learning English is unnecessary for them.The rest 17 students take a neutral position.Question Two is about English learning goal,according to the results of the survey,61% of the students think the main purpose of learning English for them is to create a condition for finding a good job.36% of students just because living needs and further study.Therefore,college students.instrumental aspect for English learning is more demanding,they are concentrated on seeking a job.Question Three and Question Four are to find out the subjects’ interests in school hardware facilities and language skills.Most of students think the school hardware facilities such as classrooms,-media can satisfy their need for English learning,this is a good aspect.Students.desires for speaking English are much higher.Non-English majors might have tended to order their interests according to their General English proficiency.In other words,they rank first the language skills that they need to improve most.   2.2 Students.Demands for Class Learning and Activity Manner.Among the three given choices of learning styles,“in pair”ranks the first,“in small group”the second and “individually”the third.The data indicates that Non-English majors no longer like the learning style“in pair”as they do in their previous periods of study.For after-class learning method,students.interests in multi-media indicate that untraditional learning tools are more popular.Multi-media materials help to increase students. interests by images,pictures,animations and sound effects.The combination of audio and visual effects can help to make the whole learning process more dynamic,immediate and more easily accessible.Learner can arrange and control their learning time.
  2.3 Students. Demands for Teachers.Teaching.The following table,clearly the qualification of having relevant practical experiences is ranked first,following which are professional knowledge,rich teaching experiences,and good English proficiency.Most Chinese teachers have a language teaching background but do not have first-hand experience in the English learning area.
  Qualifications of Teachers (n=100)
  Qualifications Relevant
  Experiences Professional Knowledge Rich Teaching Experience Good
  No.of Subjects 53 22 18 7
  Percentage 53% 22% 18% 7%
  3.Problems and Suggestions
  There are still some students thinking it is no need to learn English in modern society.They are more concentrated on seeking a chirming job.But they do not know how to improve their speaking and listening level.Besides,they have no clear recommendations for choosing appropriate learning material.For above ones,students should prepare before class,practice communicative activities in class,and extend communication skills after class.Also,teachers should give more chances to do practice and interact with students.Besides,our students need some opportunities to practice their learning abilities.
【摘要】内化于心外化行是文学艺术领域上的知行表达。而语言属于人类文学表达方式之基础,语言的结构也有一定的美学价值,二者密不可分。把内化于心外化行这一文学艺术术语用于小学生的语言实践技能培养正是基于该理论。笔者以该理论为引导,结合实际教学实践研究,提出的通过英语语言文化差异的渗透以及生活化情景再呈现等方式对小学生英语实践技能进行培养这一论点。  【关键词】内化于心外化行 生动教学 语言实践技能  生
【摘要】生态翻译学理论为口译译员的相关研究提供了一个全新的学术视野。在生态翻译学这一新的视角下译员口译策略是如何运用的?文章以2014年李克强总理答记者问为例,试对此问题进行探讨。  【关键词】生态翻译学 译员 口译策略  一、生态翻译学概述  生态翻译学“作为一个具有跨学科性质的生态学翻译研究途径,是运用生态理性、从生态学视角对翻译进行综观的整体性研究,是一个‘翻译即适应与选择’的生态范式和研究
【摘要】泰语教学旨在培养学生进行泰语交际的独立能力,即通过教育培养提高学生泰语各方面水平,如听、说、读、写和翻译等。在这五大能力中,最基础的就是听。本文以怎样成功的培养学生听泰语的能力入手,阐述了提升泰语听力的技巧和方法,为促进学生更好地运用泰语,提高泰语能力提供理论参考。  【关键词】泰语教学 听力训练 强化  泰语最终教学目的就是教育学生,提高学生泰语水平,培养学生全方位的泰语能力,如听、说、
【摘要】语言学科有自己独特的学习规律,而会话环境、阅读思维、词汇积累是其三个重要的指标。那么,教师应如何以高效课堂为突破口,优化教学模式,巧妙地创新英语教学呢?本文从匠心创新词汇教学策略,高效夯实学生的知识基础;匠心创设英语会话情景,高效提升学生的听说能力;匠心激活阅读教学课堂,高效发展学生的阅读思维三个方面阐述。  【关键词】高效课堂 创新模式 语言规律 能力提升  高中英语是一门培养学生语言交
Teaching Goals:  Knowledge Goals:  1.Get a general idea of Orient carnival ---Torch festival .  2.Learn the usages of the Passive Voice in some certain cases.  3.Learn to make use of The Passive Voice
【Abstract】This paper presents the view that linguistic competence isn’t equal to communicative competence.language and culture are closely related to each other.Language learning is not only the proce
【摘要】中式英语是英语写作中的一种客观存在。它存在于本科生、高职生英语文本中。本文通过对西安翻译学院高职英语专业大二学生写作文本的研究,试图从词汇、句法、语篇等层面找出中式英语在写作中的表现特征,分析其原因,并提出避免中式英语现象的策略,旨在帮助高职生在写作中避免运用中式英语,从而提高高职生的英语写作水平。  【关键词】高职生 英语写作 中式英语 现象 策略  引言  目前,各高职院校对口语教学比
他静静地坐在那儿,等着。他的背轻轻地靠在椅背上,摆在桌子上的双手交叉成金字塔的形状。他的眼睛盯着墙上的单向透明镜,冲透过镜子向里监视的警察微笑着,想要他们看到他的自信和优势。  侦探马库斯·奎尔坐在桌子对面,仔细打量着这个被拘押的犯罪嫌疑人。那种想要证明自己是最坚强的、能够控制住自己的表情,他见过无数次了。每次看到嫌疑人表现出这种妄想的心态,试图把自己当成审讯室的主人时,奎尔都会忍不住想笑。  奎