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机油是摩托车发动机的“血液”,其质量的好坏对摩托车的性能和使用寿命至关重要。在没有检测仪器的情况下,摩友们可采用以下几种方法来鉴别机油的优劣。 1.水分:用燃烧法鉴别。用于燥的棉布或纸浸上机油,然后点燃,如燃烧时冒大量白烟并伴有轻微的炸裂声或闪光现象,说明机油含水分较重,应停止使用。 2.粘度:用手感法鉴别。粘度是机油的重要质量指标,如果机油粘度差、有杂质,则应更换。鉴别时取油底壳内的机油少许,用手指捻几下,如感觉光滑、浓稠粘手,表明机油粘度合适,可继续使用;如感觉到有杂质颗粒,有发 Oil is the “blood” of motorcycles and the quality of the motorcycles is of crucial importance to the performance and service life of the motorcycles. In the absence of detection equipment, the Friends of the Mount can use the following methods to identify the pros and cons of oil. 1. Moisture: Identification by combustion method. For dry cotton cloth or paper soaked in oil, and then lit, such as burning a lot of white smoke and accompanied by a slight burst of sound or flash phenomenon, indicating heavy oil containing oil, should be discontinued. 2. Viscosity: Identification by hand feel. Viscosity is an important oil quality indicators, if the oil viscosity is poor, there are impurities, it should be replaced. Identification of the oil pan when taking a little oil, with your fingers twist a few times, such as the feeling of smooth, thick sticky hands, indicating that the viscosity of oil suitable, can continue to use; If you feel there are impurities particles, hair
建立了图书编校质量控制的统计模型,可用其讨论达到某种质量标准所需校对次数和对校对人员的素质要求,有助于制订量化的质量管理方案. The establishment of a statistical
游标卡尺主尺尺身弯曲变形,会影响尺身移动的灵活性,通过挤压或紫铜棒敲击凸面的方法校直后,尺身内部应力增大,容易使尺身材料产生韧性 Vernier caliper ruler of the main
20 0 0年 7月 19~ 2 0日建设部、国家冶金局建筑用钢技术协调组秘书组、建筑部科技司和国家冶金工业局规划发展司在北京召开了“全国 40 0MPa热轧带肋钢筋推广应用试点工作会议”