在2012年5月15~18日于美国佛罗里达州迈阿密(Miami)举行的第10届国际铝挤压技术研讨与展览会(The 10thInternational Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar&Exposition)上,波兰AGH科技大学的列斯尼克(Dariusz Lesniak)宣读了一篇“2×××铝合金挤压机固溶处理的新发展”论文(New Developments in Extrusion of 2×××Alloys with Solution Heat Treatment on the Press)。研究结论:挤压材的显微组织、力学性能与合金化学成分、均匀化处理模式、挤压温度-速度条件等有明显关系。文中还详细分析了挤压材的表面品质与挤压力
At the 10th International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar & Exposition held in Miami, Florida, United States on May 15-18, 2012, Lesnick of the AGH University of Science and Technology of Poland Dariusz Lesniak) read the article “New Developments in Extrusion of 2 ××× Alloys with Solution Heat Treatment on the Press.” Research conclusions: The microstructure and mechanical properties of the extruded material have obvious relationship with the chemical composition of the alloy, the homogenization treatment mode and the extrusion temperature-velocity conditions. The paper also detailed analysis of the extrusion surface quality and extrusion pressure