对欧洲地球科学联盟(EGU)的刊物《Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics)(ACP,大气化学和大气物理学)的办刊模式进行了探究。通过对《ACP》模式运作流程的分析,总结出其特点和成功的原因。《ACP》在创刊初始就采用了开放存取《OA》的出版模式。更为重要的是,它在全世界首次创立了“交互式开放存取”和“二阶段出版”的办刊程序。《ACP)模式对我国期刊的发展有一定的借鉴作用。“,”The innovative publishing model of the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is investigated. The work flow of the ACP reviewing and publishing is examined in detail so as to reveal the unique characteristics and reasons for success of this journal. It is found that the interactive open access approach and the two-stage publishing strategy/procedure contribute substantially to its success because the quality of the submissions is effectively controlled, the fairness and transparency of the reviewing process is ensured, and the time for reviewing is shortened as well.