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The relationship between green product design and sustainable development was expounded.Green product design is one of the efficient means to realize sustainable development.The essential difference between green product design and traditional product des
2月10日,通鼎互联公告,其全资境外子公司开曼通灏拟以现金4922万美元收购纳斯达克上市公司UTStarcom HoldingsCorp.。而在此次交易前,通鼎互联通已投资持有UTS公司350万股股份。此次交易完成后,通鼎互联间接持有UTS公司股票数将达到1270万股,持股比例约35.96%,为UTS公司的第一大股东,并将委派和提名合适人选担任UTS的董事和董事会主席。实际上,UTS虽然听起来有点
错过了拉斯维加斯的CES,错过了巴塞罗那的MWC,你可千万不要错过深圳的CITE!中国电子信息博览会(CITE)那可是全亚洲规模最大、产业链最全、活动内容最丰富的电子信息博览会。今年的CITE 2019如期而至。在本次展会上,戴尔科技集团为商用客户端都带来了哪些惊喜?就让我们一睹为快吧!  Latitude商用笔记本系列新品闪亮登场  它是戴尔迄今为止体积最小、电池续航时间最长的商用14英寸二合一
The molecular techniques applied in the molecular ecology of marine mammals mainly include sequencing of mtDNA control region,DNA fingerprinting,mtDNA RFLP,and
The effects of controlled burning of slash-and-burn agriculture on soil arthropod community of a 7-year tropical secondary forest in Xishuangbanna were studied.