1例74岁女性患者因咯血入院,给予维生素K1注射液20 mg加入0.9%氯化钠注射液250 ml静脉滴注,滴速40滴/min。输注3 min后,患者出现心慌、胸闷,随即出现呼之不应,叹息样呼吸,呼吸音弱,心率60次/min,血压94/64 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)。立即停药,给予地塞米松及肾上腺素,并行吸氧、吸痰治疗。但患者病情无好转,迅即出现呼吸、心搏骤停,血压测不出,心室颤动,最终因抢救无效死亡。
A 74-year-old female patient admitted to hospital with hemoptysis was given intravenous drip of 20 mg of vitamin K1 injection and 0.9% sodium chloride injection of 250 ml at a drip rate of 40 drops / min. After 3 min of infusion, the patient developed palpitation and chest distress. The patient should not respond immediately. Sighing like breathing, weak breath sounds, heart rate 60 beats / min, and blood pressure 94/64 mm Hg (1 mm Hg = 0.133 kPa). Immediate withdrawal, given dexamethasone and adrenaline, parallel oxygen, suction treatment. However, patients did not improve the condition, and immediately appeared breathing, cardiac arrest, blood pressure can not be measured, ventricular fibrillation, the final death due to rescue ineffective.