Warehouse scheduling performance analysis considering LHRL

来源 :Advances in Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liwei20062
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Warehouse scheduling efficiency has to do with the length-height ratio of location(LHRL) to some extent, which hasn’t been well investigated until now. In this paper a mathematic model is built by analyzing the relation between the travel time of the stacker and LHRL. Meanwhile, warehouse scheduling strategy is studied combining with the project on the automatic production line of an enterprise, and a warehouse scheduling strategy is proposed based on index of quality(IoQ) parameters. Besides, the process of getting the value of IoQ is also simplified with the idea of sparse matrix. Finally, the IoQ scheduling strategy is compared with random strategy and First Come First Out strategy in different LHRLs. The simulation results show that the IoQ scheduling strategy not only improves the quality of the product effectively, but also improves the efficiency of the scheduling substantially. Warehouse scheduling efficiency has to do with the length-height ratio of location (LHRL) to some extent, which has not been well until now now. In this paper a mathematic model is built by analyzing the relation between the travel time of the stacker and LHRL. Meanwhile, warehouse scheduling strategy is studying combining with the project on the automatic production line of an enterprise, and a warehouse scheduling strategy is proposed based on index of quality (IoQ) parameters. Besides, the process of getting the value of IoQ Finally, the IoQ scheduling strategy is compared with random strategy and First Come First Out strategy in different LHRLs. The simulation results show that the IoQ scheduling strategy not only improves the quality of the product effectively, but also improves the efficiency of the scheduling substantially
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