杠头是一种硬得跟板儿砖似的死面馒头。用它来形容人,就是抬杠、认死理儿、固执、倔犟的意思,还有执著。人要是想干点儿事儿,就应该跟杠头似的,认准了路,义无返顾地往前奔。 当中国田径进行2000年盘点的时候,清华大学的学生李光明排在了男子800米的第一位,为鬼火闪烁的高校田径场亮起了一盏明灯,也为肾虚的高校田径增添了些许阳刚之气。在鬼打李逵的时代,清华人用实际行动诠释了一个道理——只要肯做,凡事都能做
The bosses are hard-boiled bread-like buns. Use it to describe people, is to bicker, stupid reason, stubborn, stubborn meaning, as well as persistent. If a person wants to do something, he should follow the lead, look for the way, and righteousness forward. When China track and field carried out the inventory in 2000, Tsinghua University student Li Guangming ranked first in the men’s 800 meters, giving a bright light to the glittering university track and field field, and adding a little masculinity to the athletics of kidney-based colleges and universities The gas. In the age of ghosts, Li Qing, Tsinghua people with practical action interpretation of a truth - as long as willing to do everything can be done