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以动制动,强调大作为而非小伎俩,是以空间变换大智慧为前提的以柔克刚之计,这是中国文化的独门武功东海军演,南海亮剑,一个月内频频出招,向世界宣示中国的核心利益,全方位展现大国崛起的当代风范。深陷阿富汗泥潭,草草收场于伊拉克的烂摊子,总是到处插手却每每灰溜溜被反战,美国有心称霸,无力回天。 It is the sole force of Chinese culture based on the great wisdom of space transformation. It is the naval exercise of the East China Sea and the sword of the South China Sea. It has been making frequent moves within a month to proclaim the world China’s core interests show the all-round demonstration of the contemporary style of the rise of great powers. Deep in the quagmire of Afghanistan, hastily ended in the mess in Iraq, always everywhere but often dingyou anti-war, the United States with the will to dominate, unable to come back.