一、前言早在1941年,Selye已注意到某些甾体激素能产生麻醉作用,但动物试验后发现药效差,溶解度小和副作用多等问题,而未被临床采用,到1954年Lanbach等人把羟孕酮琥珀酸酯钠(hydroxydione sodium succinate)首次用于临床,可遗憾的是不久发现其麻醉诱导作用缓慢及易引起血栓静脉炎等,使之应用也受到限制。之后,一种由两个不溶于水的甾体化合物(alphaxalone & alphadolone acetate)混合制成的安太酮(Althesin,代号CT341)问世了,并广泛地用于临床。目前,Glaxo实验室又合成了一系列水溶性的甾体静脉麻醉药,其
First, the preamble As early as 1941, Selye has noticed that some steroid hormones can produce anesthetic effects, but after the animal tests found that poor efficacy, solubility and side effects and other issues, and not being used clinically, until 1954 Lanbach et al People first hydroxydione sodium succinate (hydroxydione sodium succinate) for clinical use, but unfortunately it was soon found that the slow induction of anesthesia and easy to cause thrombophlebitis, so that the application is also limited. After that, an anthelixone (Althesin, codenamed CT341) made by mixing two water-insoluble alpha-alphaalone and alphadolone acetals came out and is widely used clinically. Currently, Glaxo Laboratories has synthesized a series of water-soluble steroidal intravenous anesthetics, which