,First principles study on the structural, electronic and optical properties of diluted magnetic sem

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cbir
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The electronic and optical properties of zincblende ZnX(X=S, Se, Te) and ZnX:Co are studied from density functional theory (DFT) based first principles calculations. The local crystal structure changes around the Co atoms in the lattice are studied after Co atoms are doped. It is shown that the Co-doped materials have smaller lattice constant (about 0.6%-0.9%). This is mainly due to the shortened Co-X bond length. The (partial) density of states (DOS) is calculated and differences between the pure and doped materials are studied. Results show that for the Co-doped materials, the valence bands are moving upward due to the existence of Co 3d electron states while the conductance bands are moving downward due to the reduced lattice constants. This results in the narrowed band gap of the doped materials. The complex dielectric indices and the absorption coefficients are calculated to examine the influences of the Co atoms on the optical properties. Results show that for the Co-doped materials, the absorption peaks in the high wavelength region are not as sharp and distinct as the undoped materials, and the absorption ranges are extended to even higher wavelength region.
淘淘是我家的宠物狗。狗如其名,它非常淘气,经常给我惹麻烦。  一天早晨,我带着淘淘去散步。路边花儿朵朵,蝴蝶翩翩。我穿着漂亮的花裙子和干净的白球鞋,身处花丛中,感觉自己宛如花仙子落入人间。淘淘一会儿在我脚前蹭蹭,一会儿在我脚后蹭蹭。正自我陶醉的時候,我忽然莫名其妙地摔倒在地。呀!是淘淘把我的鞋带解开了。我踩住鞋带,把自己绊倒了。淘淘解鞋带已经不是第一次了。我由花仙子秒变女魔头,厉声喝道:“淘淘!”
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