该试验意在通过种植试验,找出京单28、京玉11、郑单958,这3个玉米品种在北京地区的适宜收获期,并在生产上推广应用。通过本试验,初步得出:①京单28生育期短(99 d)、产量高且稳定,抗倒,但后期易感染弯孢菌叶斑病;京玉11生育期99 d,灌浆速度快,易感染弯孢菌叶斑病,抗倒差,生产上不宜大面积种植;郑单958生育期(106 d)比较长,轻度感染弯孢菌叶斑病,不抗倒,做夏播玉米种植时应早播种(6月上中旬)才能发挥高产潜力。②在不影响小麦适期播种(9月25日至10月5日)的情况下,适当延长玉米收获期,有利于获得小麦-玉米双高产。10月7日收获的玉米平均产量为660 kg/667 m2,比10月1日收的667 m2增产37 kg(增幅5.9%),比9月25日收的667 m2增产75 kg(增幅12.8%)。
The experiment is intended to find out the suitable harvest period of Beijing Dan 28, Jing Yu 11, Zheng Dan 958 and the three maize varieties in Beijing through planting experiments and popularize them in production. Through this experiment, it was concluded that: ① Jingdan 28 had a short growth period (99 days) with high yield and stability, and was resistant to fallback but easily infected with Curvularia leaf spot in late stage; Jingyu 11 had a fast growth period of 99 days , Susceptible to Curvularia leaf spot, anti-collapse, the production should not be large-scale cultivation; Zheng Dan 958 growth period (106d) is relatively long, mild Curvularia leaf spot infection, do not fight back, do summer broadcast Early planting of corn should be planted (mid-June) to achieve high yield potential. ② Without affecting the appropriate sowing of wheat (September 25 to October 5), the appropriate extension of the harvest period of corn is conducive to obtaining double yield of wheat - corn. The average yield of corn harvested on 7 October was 660 kg / 667 m2, up 37 kg (+ 5.9%) from 667 m2 on 1 October and 75 kg (+ 12.8%) over the 667 m2 collected on 25 September ).