最近,英国伦敦高等法院上演了一场有可能是英国历史上诉讼标的额最高的离婚官司。马来西亚华人富商邱继炳现年74岁,居英20多年。邱太波琳,现年66岁,曾于1969年当选马来小姐,第二年嫁给邱继炳,两人目前有5个已成年的孩子。邱继炳出身银行界,创业后大搞兼并,在马来西亚拥有5家上市公司,他也是香港《南华早报》和东亚银行的董事。邱继炳于1990年购入英国高级零售商Laura Ashley 40%的股份后,邱氏一家移民英国。他们于1998年在
Recently, the High Court of London in the United Kingdom staged a divorce case that may have the highest litigability in British history. Malaysian Chinese businessman Qiu Jibing is now 74 years old, living in Britain for more than 20 years. Khoo Tai Po Lam, aged 66, was elected to Miss Malay in 1969 and married to Qiu Jibing the following year. The two currently have five grown children. Qiu Jibing was born in the banking sector, engaged in mergers and acquisitions after his start-up, having five listed companies in Malaysia. He is also a director of Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post and Bank of East Asia. When Qiu Jibing bought a 40% stake in British luxury retailer Laura Ashley in 1990, Khoo’s family emigrated to the United Kingdom. They were in 1998