19世纪是法国社会大变动的时期 ,在政治和思想领域斗争十分激烈 ,君主制、帝制与共和制几度交替出现 ,保皇主义、波拿巴主义、自由主义、共和主义等思潮空前活跃。雨果跟随时代前进的步伐 ,经历了从保皇主义、波拿巴主义到自由主义与共和主义的转变过程 ,并为捍卫共和制度同拿破仑三世进行了长期的斗争 ,在法国共和史上留下了光辉的一页
The 19th century was a period of great social change in France. The struggle in the political and ideological fields was fierce. Monarchy, monarchy and republicanism alternated on several occasions. The trends of thought such as royalism, Bonapartism, liberalism and republicanism were unprecedentedly active. Hugo followed the pace of the times, underwent a process of transformation from royalist, Bonaparteanism to liberalism and republicanism, and protested with Napoleon III for the defense of the republican system, leaving a glorious future in the history of the French Republic One page