幸福是什么?《辞海》里的解释是,人们在为理想奋斗的过程中,以及实现了预定的目标和理想时感到满足的状态和体验。曾国藩认为,幸福就是达到“小奢”状态,可以小小地奢侈一下。年末岁初,当被问及有没有什么评价幸福的标准时,茅于轼先生果断地说: “幸福没有标准,是个人的体验。读了一本好书,我很快乐;教书育人,我很快乐;我的学生认真学习,我很
What is happiness? The explanation in Cihai is that people are satisfied with their state and experience in their struggles for ideals and in fulfilling their intended goals and ideals. Tseng Kuo-fan believes that happiness is to achieve ”small luxury “ state, you can little extravagance. At the beginning or end of the year, when asked whether there is any standard for evaluating happiness, Mao Yushi said decisively: ”Happiness is not standard and personal experience. Having read a good book, I am very happy. I am very happy in teaching and educating people. My students study hard, I am